Help … I have to conduct an internal investigation!

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Update alert: On 8 May 2024 the Parliament adopted the Act on Private Investigation. This Act may also come into play when an employer proceeds with an internal investigation. We take the opportunity to share some legal and practical new insights and will explain you when and how the Act affects your internal investigation.
Employers are increasingly confronted with possible breaches or irregularities committed by employees, which are reported through various channels: via the HR or Compliance manager, the whistleblower channel, the prevention service, etc. Reports can relate to multiple cases, ranging from alleged harassment or unwanted sexual behaviour to fraud or theft.
To find out exactly what has happened, whether there indeed has been a violation and, if necessary, to be able to take appropriate action, the employer often has to carry out an internal investigation.
But how do you handle such an investigation?
To guide you through this situation, ALTIUS’ Employment Team has organised a seminar at its offices in where we will be welcoming the following three experts, who will each share best practices with you from their own professional experience:
- Mr Lode Barrezeele, Forensic Auditor, Fraud Expert and Partner at I-Force, a forensic audit firm specialising in fraud investigations and other investigative matters and with a particular focus on ICT systems investigations and data analysis;
- Ms Marie Lamoral, Prevention Advisor Psychosocial Risks at Mensura, who will focus on how she conducts an investigation in matters concerning violence, bullying and sexual harassment at work;
- Mr Gerrit Vandendriessche, Partner in ALTIUS’ Data Protection Team, who will explain some rules that are best respected when collecting evidence, such as the GDPR, the camera legislation, the ban on recording and tapping, etc.
Tuesday, 4 June 2024.
Welcome with lunch will start from 12.30pm. The seminar itself starts at 1.30pm and runs until 4.30pm.
This seminar will address the following questions:
- Who can conduct an internal investigation? Is it expedient to engage an external investigator? When can or should I use a private investigator and/or a bailiff?
- What rights do employees who are the subject of an internal investigation have?
- What investigative methods can I use (interview(s), e-mail and internet monitoring, camera footage, recorded conversations, etc.)?
- What interviewing techniques do I apply?
- How do I collect evidence? What are the privacy pitfalls that I must avoid?
- What can I do with the internal investigation’s results? What is the evidential value of the investigation report that has been drawn up? May I use it in court (such as evidence for a dismissal for just cause)?
ALTIUS’ offices
Tour & Taxis Building
Avenue du Port – Havenlaan 86 C box 414
1000 Brussels
This event is free-of-charge. It will be held partly in Dutch and partly in French.
Lunch, coffee and dessert will be provided.
As places are limited, registering quickly is important.
For more information, please contact ALTIUS Marketing at +32 2 426 14 14 or