Social Elections 2024
Every 4 years, it is time again: companies with at least 50 employees (for the Committee for Prevention and Protection at Work) and with at least 100 employees (for the Works Council) must organise social elections for the designation of the employees’ representatives in these bodies.
The next social elections will take place between 13 and 26 May 2024 (depending on the chosen election date). However, for employers, work starts as early as mid-December 2023 at the start of a 150-day procedure that precedes the election date and during which action is expected from employers on a regular basis.
Download your own customised calendar below, which includes the different steps in the election procedure, and discover how ALTIUS’ Employment team can assist you during this hectic and intense period to make sure all goes smoothly.

If you are organising social elections for the first time, then you will undoubtedly have many questions.
But also if this is your third or fourth time, you would probably like to know what has changed compared to the last elections and to receive quick and efficient advice when you have to deal with unforeseen situations or discussions with your trade unions. Or perhaps it is not yet clear to your company whether it will reach the thresholds and will have to organise social elections and you would like to have clarity about this point.
How can our Employment team help you?
We will keep you informed of new developments and give you a short heads-up at every milestone date in the election calendar via our Social Elections Newsflashes. Are you interested in receiving such newsflashes, please register here.
Employers can choose the election date between 13 and 26 May 2024. As such, it is useful to look at which election calendar corresponds to each of the possible election dates, and which will allow you to select the election date that is most convenient for your company. Click on the icon below and compose your personalised calendar with the main dates in the election procedure.
The Works Council (WC) and the Committee for Prevention and Protection at Work (CPPW) must be established at the level of the so-called ‘technical business unit’ (‘TBU’). The TBU does not necessarily coincide with the legal entity. If different legal entities show a sufficient level of economic and social dependence, then they can form one single TBU and so only one WC and/or CPPW must be established.
Do the test below and discover if the legal entities in your group are likely to form one TBU or, on the contrary, are sufficiently independent from an economic and a social point of view to form separate TBUs.
In this section we have collected a number of frequently asked questions for you. Check this webpage regularly for new added questions!
ALTIUS’ Employment Team is giving a webinar about the 2024 social elections on 12 September 2023 (Dutch session) and on 14 September 2023 (French session), both from 12.30 pm until 2 pm. During this webinar, we will provide a brief and comprehensive overview of the important steps in the Social Elections’ procedure and will focus on some of the “dos and don’ts”, both during the (preparation of the) election process and on the election day itself, as well as on some practical issues.
What’s new for the 2024 elections?
The number of changes in the procedure for the 2024 social elections is limited when compared to the 2020 edition. We have listed for you the most important developments. Find out more by clicking on the topics below.
Date of the 2024 elections
Ease of electronic voting
Developments based on gender
Electronic convocation of voters
New rules for temporary agency workers
Clarifications of a mere administrative nature
Self-correction in the case of a material error in minutes with election results
Resumption of the election procedure after suspension due to strike or temporary unemployment
Click here to compose your personalised calendar with the main dates in the election procedure.
Do the test and discover if the legal entities in your group are likely to form one TBU or, on the contrary, are sufficiently independent from an economic and a social point of view to form separate TBUs.
In this section we have collected a number of frequently asked questions for you. Check this web page regularly for new added questions!
Stay tuned with the ALTIUS newsflashes on social elections!
We will keep you informed on new developments and give you a short heads-up at every milestone date in the election calendar via our Social elections newsflashes.
Are you interested in receiving such newsflashes, then please register here.
You can also consult all newsflashes on this webpage.
Employers, be aware of the “hidden protection period” kick-off!
The “hidden protection period” is one of the most remarkable features of the social elections process. The hidden protection period is the period during which candidates already benefit from the specific dismissal protection, even though the candidate lists are only being disclosed to the employer 65 days later.
Read moreX–60: What are your obligations?
In this newsflash, we list your obligations as employer on day x-60 of the Social Elections 2024.
Read moreWEBINAR VIDEO | Help! The social elections 2024 are close now… so be fully prepared!
During this webinar, Philippe De Wulf , Esther Soetens, Thomas Gellaerts and Valérie Schouteden fill you in on the “ins and outs” of the social elections 2024.
Read more