Help … am I still up-to-date with the current trends in labour law?
The end of the year is a moment for both looking forward and back.
For 2022, given the multitude of new and important employment legislation that will have a significant impact on your day-to-day HR practice, how can you do that without feeling dizzy?
So far this year – to name just a few – there’s been the labour deal, the new legislation on transparent and predictable working conditions, the new re-integration track for long-term ill workers, and the new rules regarding medical force majeure. Meanwhile, the labour courts have been busy too…
During this webinar, we will guide you through 2022’s highlights, so that you can start 2023 well-prepared and fully-informed.
Esther Soetens and Emma Van Caenegem will update you on the ‘ins and outs’ of all the new employment measures during our Dutch session, whilst Astrid Caporali and Alexandre Calain will be your hosts during our French session.
They will guide you through the new developments at the three key stages of an employment relationship, namely: at the time of hiring, during the employment, and upon dismissal.
In particular, they will address a range of topics, including:
- the enhanced obligation to inform workers about the main aspects of the employment relationship obliging employers to update their onboarding documentation, employment contracts and work rules
- the right of workers to request a form of employment that is more predictable and secure
- the right of workers to ask to organise their working time differently: the introduction of the 4-day work week, the varying weekly working regime, etc.
- the new rules regarding sick employees: the new re-integration track, restrictions on medical force majeure, the abolition of the medical certificate for the first day of illness, etc.
- the right to be offline and the obligations this entails for employers already by 1 January 2023
- the new, additional grounds for protection against adverse measures and dismissal, which make the list of protected employees yet again longer
- the right for workers to receive training
- the so-called “transition paths” with a dismissal and the new obligations relating to promoting of redeployment of dismissed employees
- HR’s data protection-related developments
- new landmark case law regarding, among other things, equity-based incentives, sick employees, and dismissals
Tuesday 20 December 2022, from 12.30 pm until 2 pm (Dutch session).
Thursday 22 December 2022, from 12.30 pm until 2 pm (French session).
This is an online event.
The link to participate in the webinar will be sent to registered participants a few days in advance.
This event is free of charge. For more information, please contact ALTIUS Marketing on +32 2 426 14 14 or