ALTIUS Digital Law Series #20: Keeping up with GDPR

June 7, 2023 12:30
ALTIUS’ data protection team puts the spotlight on recent GDPR and data protection developments during dedicated webinars. Don’t miss the opportunity to keep up with the most recent GDPR and data protection developments on 7 June from 12:30 to 13:30.
During this session, our data protection team will address the following topics:
- Highlights from the CJEU
- Update on the state of the EU-U.S. Data Privacy Framework
- Chat GPT(4) & GDPR, what you should know
- Handling access requests, latest developments based on recent case law
- Highlights from the DPA & Belgian courts
- Latest key GDPR news & GDPR fines in member states
Jan Clinck and Pierre Antoine will be presenting this webinar in Dutch and French, the slides will be in English.
This webinar has been awarded 1 point of continuous education by the Institut des Juristes d’Entreprise / Instituut voor Bedrijfsjuristen.
Disclaimer: this webinar is only intended for our clients and prospects. We reserve the right to cancel the registration of attorneys from other law firms.