Agri-Food Law Seminar
We are pleased to invite you to the 12th edition of our annual Agri-Food Law Seminar, organised by our IP and regulatory specialists Philippe de Jong and Bregt Raus. In addition to presentations from in-house ALTIUS lawyers, the seminar will feature several distinguished guest speakers. You can find all the details on the seminar’s date, venue and program here below.
12:00-13:00 Welcome and lunch
13:00-13:30 “Exhaustion and scope of protection in plant variety rights law: lessons learnt from the mutant pear case”
by Philippe de Jong (Partner, ALTIUS)
This session will focus on:
-the sneaky role of the variety description in PVR infringement cases, and
-how to escape exhaustion of your rights on the fruit after sale of the plant.
13:35-14:05 “The use of Digital Sequence Information and Access and Benefit Sharing: a state of play”
by Dominic Muyldermans (Senior Legal Advisor, ABSint)
This session will address:
-the impact of the decision of the CBD to establish a multilateral mechanism for benefit sharing;
-recent developments under other international legal instruments, including re plant genetic resources and marine genetic resources.
14:10-14:40 “The new Agricultural Crops Licensing Platform”
by Szonja Csörgõ (ACLP)
This session will present the recently established ACLP and how it facilitates access to and use of patented traits.
14:45-15:15 “The PPPPP – The Plant Protection Products Potpourri Presentation”
by Bart Junior Bollen (Associate, ALTIUS)
This session will focus on the latest legislative and case law developments in the area of plant protection products, including on topics such as parallel import, emergency authorisations, the new rules for micro-organisms, and a status update on the Sustainable Use of Pesticides Regulation (SUR).
15:20-15:50 Coffee break
15:50-16:20 “The European Commission’s proposal for a new SPC Regulation for plant protection products”
by Kirian Claeyé (Counsel, ALTIUS)
This session will focus on the most essential innovations which the European Commission has in mind for the European patent extension system, and particularly on the introduction of a centralized examination procedure for SPCs, and the introduction of a unitary SPC.
16:25-16:55 “Novel food guidance at last: an outlook on the CJEU buckwheat seedling case”
by Bregt Raus (Associate, ALTIUS)
This session will discuss the latest on novel food, with a particular focus on the first ever CJEU case under the new regulation and provide you with bite-sized takeaways on “history of safe use”, the difference between “propagation” and “(primary) production”, and much more.
17:00-17:30 “An update on new and less new genomic techniques in the EU”
by Philippe de Jong (Partner, ALTIUS)
This session will address the CJEU’s recent decisions on in vitro random mutagenesis and GMO-co-existence, as well as a first assessment of the European Commission’s NGT legislative proposal (if it delivers on its promise to issue the proposal on 7 June…).
17:30-18:30 Q&A and closing aperitif
This program may be subject to change.
Please register before 7 June 2023. Would you like to register after 6 June? Contact us at
As you know, at ALTIUS, we like to keep things direct and personal. We have therefore deliberately chosen to make this an in-person event, because this format increases interaction and allows for better networking. And let’s face it, it’s more fun to meet in real life than looking at a screen, right?
For questions or more practical information, please contact ALTIUS events team at
We very much look forward to receiving you!
The event is free of charge and will be held in English. Further logistical details will be sent by e-mail closer to the event.