Tags: Banking & Finance

February 25, 2022

Cryptocurrencies: new rules and registration for service providers in Belgium

As from 1 May 2022, the activities of certain virtual currency service providers in Belgium will be regulated. These service providers will have to meet a series of conditions, including ones relating to their professional integrity and anti-money laundering obligations.

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June 17, 2021

The ELTIF: amendments in the Belgian AIFM Law

On 19 April 2021, a draft law on diverse financial provisions (the “Draft Law”) was published. The Draft Law was adopted by the Parliament at the end of May. Amongst other things, it amends the Belgian AIFM Law to integrate the ELTIF fund status. Together with its parliamentary works, the Draft Law finally provides some clarity on this vehicle’s place in the existing Belgian fund framework.

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June 3, 2021


In recent years, Special Purpose Acquisition Companies or “SPACs” have gained tremendous popularity in the United States. In 2020 alone, one hundred SPACs accounted for approximately $80 billion in US public fundraising.

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December 13, 2020

WEBINAR VIDEO | Everything about FinTech

As the digitalisation of financial services (or ‘Fintech’) is a booming industry, traditional banks and finance players are faced with new challenges but also with opportunities for growth. But what is ‘Fintech’ exactly ?

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July 30, 2020

Understanding payment services

The provision of payment services is a licenced activity in the EU. Payment services providers are regulated by the European Directive (EU) 2015/2366, better known as PSD2.

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May 28, 2019

PSDII: A level playing field in the payment services industry?

The EU adopted the Second Payment Services Directive (PSDII) to level the playing field in the payment services industry by introducing the principle of “open banking”.

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