Découvrez Emma Van Caenegem
- Telephone:
- +32 2 426 14 14
- Email:
- emma.vancaenegem@altius.com
Emma conseille et assiste des entreprises nationales et internationales sur tous les aspects de droit du travail individuel et collectif, du recrutement au licenciement. Cela comprend non seulement l’aide dans la redaction des contrats de travail et leur résiliation, mais couvre également les avis sur des sujets liés aux plans de rémunération (alternative), ainsi que l’assistance en cas de projets de restructuration complexes ou de conflits avec les organes représentatifs des travailleurs.
Elle a développé une expertise particulière dans les situations d’emploi transfrontalier, de détachement, ainsi qu’en ce qui concerne la mise à disposition de personnel ou le travail intérimaire.
En outre, elle assiste les clients lors d’audits ou d’enquêtes de l’inspection sociale.
Elle représente les clients dans des sujets liés au droit du travail et de la sécurité sociale devant les juridictions du travail.
Emma intervient régulièrement lors de séminaires et est l’auteur de nombreuses publications.
- Special Degree in Employment Law (Université libre de Bruxelles – ULB)
- Master in Law (University of Ghent)
- Emma parle couramment néerlandais, français et anglais
Sélection of publications
- “België treedt toe tot nieuw Kaderakkoord betreffende Grensoverschrijdend Telewerk”, Internationale Fiscale Actualiteit, 2023
- “Belgium’s implementation of the EU Directive on the posting of drivers in the road transport sector: What is the impact for employers posting drivers to and from Belgium?”, Lexology 2022
- “The rise of Employers of Record (EOR) on the Belgian labour market: a new opportunity for foreign employers expanding their business in Belgium?”, Lexology 2022
- “A new special social security contribution should discourage companies from excessively using successive daily temporary agency work contracts from 1 January 2023”, Lexology 2022
- Are foreign employers who post workers to Belgium obliged to proceed with a DIMONA obligation: what has the Belgian Supreme Court said (or rather not said)?, Lexology 2022
- “Posting allowance or cost allowance: an often subtle difference with important consequences, Lexology 2022 (with A. Caporali)
- “Reconciling intra-group posting set-ups with the Belgian employee lending restrictions: a Brussels court decision provides guidance”, Lexology, 2021
Ce que nos clients disent de nous
“Emma Van Caenegem is a rock. We can always count on her. She knows everything and helps us very well.” – Legal 500 EMEA, 2024
“Emma Van Caenegem is very easy to work with, understands the client’s business, and feels like an extension of the client’s team.” – Legal 500 EMEA, 2023
“Emma Van Caenegem has a deep knowledge of labour legislation, even more importantly about some definite cases of its application in real cases. Emma has great capabilities to revise the case and suggest different possible scenarios, at the same time providing clear and comprehensive advice.” – Legal 500 EMEA, 2022
“Senior associate Emma Van Caenegem is one of the best lawyers I have worked with. She is extremely smart, her advice is always straight to the point. She understands business needs extremely well. She is one of these lawyers you can rely on completely.” – Legal 500 EMEA, 2021