What every posting employer and (Belgian) service user should know about the Limosa notification.

A foreign employer posting workers to Belgium must file a Limosa with the Belgian Social Security Office prior to the activities in Belgium starting.

The service user must verify whether a Limosa has been made. If the posting employer cannot prove that Limosa has been filed, then the service user must notify the posted worker’s presence to the Belgian Social Security Office.

Limosa at a glance

What is Limosa?

Limosa is a mandatory notification that tracks the presence of a posted worker on Belgian territory. Complying with Limosa also temporarily releases a posting employer from being required to issue a number of mandatory social documents (such as work rules, a personnel register, …)

How to file a Limosa?

A Limosa must be filed electronically via the website www.limosa.be. To do so you will first need to create an account. After having submitted all the requested information, you will immediately receive a notification confirmation: a Limosa-1 document.

What type of information is requested?

The requested information includes: the employee’s personal data, the liaison person’s contact details, the place of work, the anticipated start & end date, the applicable working schedule, …

Are there any exemptions?

Several exemptions apply, depending on the reason or the duration of the posted worker’s stay. Examples are attending a scientific congress, installing and assembling goods, urgent repair or maintenance work, attending meetings in a ‘closed circle’, …

What happens if I have not filed a Limosa?

Non-compliance with the Limosa notification & verification obligation can trigger very significant administrative and/or criminal penalties for the posting employer and/or the service user.

The Limosa QR code

The Limosa-1 document includes a QR code. This QR code can be used for several purposes. Checkinatwork obligation. On some construction sites, an additional registration obligation applies, which is called Checkinatwork. Workers can use the QR code to proceed with the mandatory presence registration. Limosa verification. As a service user you can verify whether the information stated on the Limosa-1 is in line with the information that the posting employer has filed electronically. This verification step is not mandatory.

Did you know that…

…From 1 January 2025, an additional duty of care obligation applies to contractors active in the Flemish region when relying on a subcontractor employing third-country nationals? Such a contractor must ask the subcontractor to submit proof that, if applicable, a Limosa notification has been filed.
Good to know

This information sheet is intended for individuals with an employee status. Different rules apply to individuals with a self-employed status. For these individuals, the Limosa notification only applies in the construction, meat and cleaning sectors.

ALTIUS’ Employment team is available to assist foreign employers considering posting workers to Belgium. Furthermore, the Altius’ employment team can provide further guidance regarding any additional employment and immigration-related formalities, registrations and obligations triggered by a posting set-up.

If you have any specific questions or would like more detailed information about this topic, then please contact Emma Van Caenegem, Sven Demeulemeester or Philippe De Wulf. More information is also available in our brochure.